Nanotechnology application in overcoming the reproductive disorders in livestock

Nanotechnology in livestock reproduction




Nano-delivery system, Reproductive disorders, Biostimulation, Nutrition, Hormones, Antibiotics


The profitability as well as productivity of livestock farming operations are significantly impacted by the reproduction rate of farm animals. Applying several techniques, such as dietary, hormonal, and biological methods together with controlling reproductive diseases, is the foundation of optimal reproductive management. These tactics ought to adhere to ethical and practical standards in addition to providing adequate reproductive results. For instance, a number of biological parameters and an animal's physiological state are primarily related to the effectiveness of biological and hormonally based reproductive tactics. Additional aspects, such as digestion and absorption, may also play a role in the effectiveness of nutritional strategies. Concerns about the overuse of antibiotics or the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria further complicate the management of illnesses connected to reproduction.The use of nanotechnology in fields such as cattle farming systems could offer novel and creative ways to address problems with reproductive control. Nanotechnology can give several pharmaceuticals (including hormones and antibiotics), molecules from biology, and nutrients with new physicochemical qualities. These include enhanced bioavailability, increased cellular absorption, regulated sustained release, and decreased toxicity as compared to conventional versions. In this review, it will be demonstrated how nanotechnology has advanced the most popular reproductive management systems while taking into account the ongoing difficulties associated with each strategy.


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How to Cite

Gulzar, M. W., Khan, M. K. ., Gulzar, R. ., Suleman, M. ., Hussain, J., Hassan, A. ., Abdullah, M., Raza, A., & Haider, Z. (2024). Nanotechnology application in overcoming the reproductive disorders in livestock: Nanotechnology in livestock reproduction. Letters In Animal Biology, 4(2), 11–18.



Review Articles
Recieved 2024-05-01
Accepted 2024-07-06
Published 2024-07-20

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