Dietary supplementation of a microencapsulated essential oil-organic acid blend with and without a protease affects performance, nutrient accretion, cecal microbiota, and circulatory biomarker concentrations in male broiler chickens
Essential oil-organic acid blend and protease supplementation in broiler chickens
Broiler chickens, caecal bacteria, essential oil, nutrient accretion, organic acids, proteaseAbstract
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of supplementation of a combination of a microencapsulated essential oil-organic acid (EO-OA) blend in diets of broiler chickens in absence or presence of an exogenous protease on performance and serum biomarker concentrations indicating small intestinal mucosal integrity. In a 42-days feeding trial, 800 male Cobb broiler chickens were divided into 8 treatments (10 replicates/treatment, n = 10 per replicate). The dietary treatments, formulated by supplementing the EO-OA and the protease enzyme to the basal diet, were, therefore, control(C), EO-OA 150 mg/kg diet (T1), EO-OA 300 mg/kg diet (T2), EO-OA 300 mg/kg diet up to 28 d followed by 3000 mg/kg diet till harvest (T3), C + protease 125 mg/kg diet (T4), T1 + protease 125 mg/kg diet (T5), T2 + protease 125 mg/kg diet(T6), T3 + protease 125 mg/kg diet (T7). The objective of adding the EO-OA at 3000 mg/kg diet in the T3 and T7 groups during the finishing stage was to ascertain if at a plethoric level of supplementation, the EO-OA could provide additional benefits when broiler chickens are exposed to several environmental and physiological stressor stimuli. EO-OA and protease had insignificant effect on body weight and feed conversion ratio. Protease alone increased carcass fat accretion during 14 - 42 d (P = 0.05). Serum D-lactate decreased when EO-OA in diet increased (P = 0.017) at 14 d. Irrespective of the dietary EO-OA level, serum D-lactate at 42 d decreased in the birds fed with the protease supplemented diets (main effect protease P = 0.025). Clostridium perfringens in caecal digesta at 42 d decreased due to protease supplementation (P = 0.049). Numbers of both Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni in cecal digesta decreased by dietary EO-OA (P = 0.0001). Protease supplementation tended to decreased numbers of E. coli (P = 0.053) while significantly decreasing that of C. jejuni (P = 0.043). In this study EO-OA, with or without the protease, showed several beneficial effects which included reduction of potential pathogens in caeca, and a better nutrient accretion. The findings also revealed the possibility of modulating the intestinal microbiota through application of exogenous protease. The EO-OA and protease combinations may, therefore, be explored as an effective tool for growth promotion of broiler chickens in the post-antibiotic era.
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