Growth performance, tissue lipid composition and metabolism, health indices, and serum lipid chemistry of broiler chicken in response to dietary flaxseed and chromium
Flaxseed and chromium in chicken nutrition
Omega-3 fatty acids, Fatty acid profile, Antioxidant enzymes, Growth efficiency, Lipid deposition, Health indiceAbstract
This study investigated growth performance, growth efficiency, lipid composition, lipid metabolism, health indices, and serum lipid chemistry of broiler chicken fed flaxseed meal (FSM) and Cr. Five dietary treatments were formulated – T1 (control), T2 (100 g FSM), T3 (100 g FSM + 0.5 ppm Cr), T4 (100 g FSM + 1.0 ppm Cr), and T5 (100 g FSM + 1.5 ppm Cr). Each treatment was assigned six replicate groups of day-old broiler chicks with eight birds in each. Feeding of 100 g FSM exerted negative effects on the growth performance during starter phase only (0-3 weeks) and overall growth efficiency parameters in broiler chicken, whereas, Cr supplementation reversed these negative effects. 100 g FSM reduced abdominal fat in chicken and Cr supplementation linearly decreased it with minimum at 1.5 ppm Cr. Feeding of 100 g FSM favourably improved the activities of lipid metabolism enzymes which resulted in improved fatty acid profile and health indices of chicken meat. No significant effect of Cr supplementation was observed on lipid metabolism, fatty acid profile, and health indices of chicken meat. 100 g FSM decreased serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, cardiac risk ratio, atherogenic coefficient, and atherogenic index of plasma, whereas, Cr supplementation decreased these parameters linearly with increasing levels. Antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation were increased by FSM, whereas, Cr supplementation linearly decreased them with increasing levels; and inverse trend was observed in serum HDL cholesterol levels. This study concludes that feeding of 100 g FSM exert negative effects on growth performance of young chicken (0-3 weeks), favourably alter lipid metabolism which results in improved fatty acid profile and health indices of chicken meat. It improves the serum lipid profile and atherogenic indices in broiler chicken, but negatively affects the oxidative stability of lipids. However, Cr supplementation at 1.5 ppm level in diet successfully overcomes the negative effects of FSM feeding on growth performance and lipid oxidative stability.Metrics
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Published 2021-07-02