Screening of some medicinal plant extracts for antibacterial effects: A step towards natural feed additive formulation
Antibacterial activity of medicinal plants
Bacteria, Antibacterial agents, Plant extracts, Disc diffusion, MicrodilutionAbstract
Because microorganisms became resistant to the majority of antimicrobial agents, microbial infections have become potentially fatal. As a result, concerns about antibiotic resistance are being raised even in the production of animals, where the use of sub-therapeutic doses of antibiotics in animal feeds plays a significant role. Ionophores, a group of antibiotics used extensively in ruminant production to increase productivity, are prohibited in animal production in the European Union. There is a constant research for antibiotic alternatives by animal scientists in animal production. Hence, the goal of this study was to assess the antibacterial activity of a few selected medicinal plant species on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhimurium. Using the disc diffusion and microdilution procedures, the growth inhibition ability of ethanol extracts of 22 plant materials was assayed against these bacteria. All the plant extracts exhibited resistance against at least one of the bacterial strains. The MIC varied from 0.391- 3.125 mg/ml for the diffusion assay, while the inhibition zones ranged from 10.00±0.00 to 21.33±1.50 mm. Escherichia coli was the bacterial strain that was least affected. In comparison to the agar disc diffusion assay, plant extracts demonstrated higher antibacterial activity in the microdilution assay. This shows that for evaluating the susceptibility of bacteria to plant extracts, both the microdilution assay and the disc diffusion method should be used. Majority of the selected plants exhibited strong antibacterial properties against gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, more research is necessary to ascertain how to utilise these antibacterial properties to control rumen microorganisms for effective rumen fermentation.
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